Hi! I’m Lexi and this is my hiking partner Lucy!

This is our hiking blog where I write all about our adventures in the White Mountains of New Hampshire and beyond! Our goal is to empower you with the tools and advice you need to spend more time in nature! Lucy and I have tested lots of gear, hiked many trails around the world, and learned more about ourselves than we could have ever imagined. We’ve discovered a lot in the past few years hiking in New England throughout all four seasons, and I’ve done some of the most difficult hikes in the country. We want to share all of our hard earned expertise so that you can be prepared when you hit the trails!
I’m a mountain loving hiker girl born and raised in mountains of New Hampshire. For the past six years I’ve been living in the heart of Boston attending MCPHS University in the graduate physician assistant program. I love traveling, country music, and spending time with my sweet little puppy dog child.
Lucy is a five year old American Staffordshire Terrier rescue with more energy than she knows what to do with! I adopted her from the Boston MSPCA in July of 2017 when she was 18 months old. It was a challenge for both of us at first, but after lots of love and training Lucy has turned into the best companion a girl could ask for. She loves hot dogs, murdering squeaky toys, and romping around exploring the great outdoors.
In September of 2017, I was in an accident and broke my neck. It was a big shock to me because suddenly I couldn’t work, drive, or even walk my dog. I had been struggling with anxiety and depression prior to my injury, but this experience was my breaking point. It was then that I realized that I had been taking many things for granted including my ability to spend time in nature.
During my recovery there was a point at which my doctor had cleared me for everything besides physical activity. I had been playing ice hockey three times a week and training for a half marathon before the injury, so being forced to stop all of that was really difficult for me. My doctor recommended walking, so I decided to go back to my roots in the White Mountains and started walking up mountains. Since then there’s been no turning back!
Join us as we reveal our hard earned expertise about hiking in the Whites and beyond!